Welcome To My Home Page
Hi. My name is Emmi Taylor, and this is my personal tribute to Shawn Michaels! Also Known as the Heartbreak Kid,(H.B.K.).I have followed Shawns career for around 13 years. This is your chance to get to know a bit about him and also get to see some incredibly sexy pictures of the man himself! |
Site Updates
17.06.2003 I built my site! 18.06.2003 Added My forum.... Please take a look. |
And the Award for Sexyist man on the planet goes to.....
Shawn Michaels!!!! (Actually this is him accepting a slammy award, but it should be for being the Sexyist man on the planet). |
Site Enhancements
I have a forum and chatroom which has loads of cool icons etc! Please check it out and leave me a message!
Send an email

Shawn at Insurrection.
I took this at Insurrection in Newcastle,on 7th June 2003.
E-mail me |